
  1. Prepare materials for the first user testing.
  2. Carry out the user testing of your assignment with at least three test subjects.


    On this excercise we will prepare the materials for user testing and we will use the chosen technic for user testing and evaluation of the first prototype.


  1. Chose one of the following techniques of user testing [1]:
    • Usability testing - if you have real users for your domain.
    • A/B testing - if you have multiple versions of the user interface, from which you want to chose the better one.
    • Cognitive walktrough - if your software is usable by anyone. It is the least reliable type of testing.

    Use scenario created on previous excercises for preparing the materials for the participants of your user testing.

    Task: Fill up the form for recording the user testing.[2].
    Task: Create simple questionaire for the test participants with the use of Google Forms that will be used for the subjective evaluation.

    Note: If it is the aim of the testing to evaluate usability, then use standard usability scale [3] and create questionaire according to the template [4]. If you are evaluating accessibility or other aspects of the system, it is needed to create the questionaire accoring to other sources.

    Warning: The form will not be accepted if it contains other questions than the SUS. Only accepted questionaire is that which uses a standardized technique. If you chose an other metric than the SUS metric, you will need to provide a link to the source of the technique (at the begining and in the final table). Full points for both user testing is possible to achieve only if both of them contains the SUS metrics. Calculate the SUS in the results table of the form.
  2. Task: Execute user testing of your assignment with at least three test subjects. Measure the time needed to execute each scenario by each participant. Record the results in the table of the prepared form.

    Note: You can ask your classmates, domain experts or possible users of your application to be your test participants. They should respond to the persona you created.

    Task: At the end of the user testing give the prepared questionaire to the participants. The form must contain a link to these results.
  3. Task: Submit the assignment into the Moodle system according to the requirements.
    Warning: Check the accessibility setting for both documents (google docs questionaire and its results). Both of these documents should be shared by a link, not by adding your lecturer into the list of shared users. Documents that we will be unable to open will get 0 points.


  1. Lecture 5, (pages 3-7, 8, 12-17, 21, 32, 33, 36).
  2. Form for recording the user testing, link (version for Office 2013: link).
  3. System Usability Scale (SUS) [3].
  4. System Usability Scale questionaire created with Google Forms (create your own form following this template!): link.