
  1. Submit and defend the assignment B.
  2. Continue to learn about the goal of your bachelor thesis for the objectives of assignment C.



  1. Task: Before the start of the lecture submit assignment B through the Moodle system. You can find the requirements for the assignment in the previous module.
    Defend the assignment B.
  2. You should have selected the topic of your bachelor thesis by the end of this week. Your task is to find as much as you can about your bachelor thesis during next two weeks:
    • What is the goal of your bachelor thesis? What shall you create? What user interface is part of your bachelor thesis?
    • What goals and task should meet the user interface created in you bachelor thesis?
    • For who is this user interface made?
    You should gather these information mostly:
    • from your lecturer,
    • from possible future users,
    • from internet, similar applications or solutions.

    Note: You can consult about the interface of your bachelor thesis with your lecturer during the following lectures.

    Note: If your bachelor thesis does not include a user interface, please choose one of the provided options.