- Create a persona representing a prototypical target user.
- Create scenarios for the tasks identified in previous modules and including the prototypical user.
In practice, for some features there is a dilemma, whether to support multiple types of users
(e.g. bus driver, but also the transport company manager, inspector or ticket salesmant etc.)
and it's not always clear, which features are a priority and which are secondary.
In such cases, the effort of the development team is
"scattered" on different directions, which delays the project and makes it unnecessary costly.
That's why the development is usually focused only on one user type at a time.
Features for this user type are a priority and the development for every other users has a lower priority.
For this, personas are used.
Personas are a central element of user-centered software development.
They are never used alone, but related to other processes and concepts.
Scenarios are the most common ones.
Persona is a representation of a user type describing their goals, needs and interests. It is usually based on a user survey. More about personas and how to create them can be found in resources [2], [3], [4] and in lecture 3 [1]. Study the mentioned resources.
Task: Define the target user group of your user interface by creating a persona. Use the tutorials in this module, study them shortly. The result should be a description of a user similar to the figure below. It is necessary to capture the goals, needs and interests of your users. You can also add a photography.Fig.: Example of a persona. Source: [3]Note: You can draw the persona by hand (pen and paper) or using a tool. Note that the person describes the goals of a primary user and contains a description that captures the user (e.g. (s)he is fully busy with work). The description should be relevant for the system design.
As can be seen on the figure below, scenarios, personas and goals are closely related and help creating a better software. A scenario is a story of our user who uses our software or device to do some specific task or goal (e.g. Jana wants to play badminton with friends tomorrow evening).Fig.: Relation between personas, scenarios and goals. Source: [3]
Scenarios should be detailed and describe "who", "what", "when", "where", "why" and "how". Scenario mapping[5] is a common method for creating scenarios. We will use this approach in this module. An example can be seen in the figure below.Fig.: Example of a scenario map of a student who orders flowers for his mom's birthday. Source: [5]- Name of the persona and the name of the goal - in the upper part.
- Description of the task in steps - focus on what happens, not on how it happens.
- Any comments about what is important in this step.
- Any questions or assumptions that arise during this step and need to be answered or solved.
- Any ideas or recommendations that people have.
Steps should always be taped in the upper part for the map to be easily readable. Study the method in resource [5].
Task: Use color stick notes and A3 papers to create a scenario map for the most important tasks (goals) of your user. Scenarios are to be created in three-member groups using the cognitive walktrough method. [6] . Tasks of the group members:
- First group member:
- shortly explains the domain and goals of his/her users to the others,
- creates a scenario.
- Next two members:
- simulate the users, try to imagine their behaviour and thinking (cognitive walktrough),
- help the first member to create and complete the scenario,
- ask questions and contribute by discussion and comments.
After 25 minutes, the roles are switched.Note: You will get color stick notes and A3 papers from your instructor.
- About scenarios and personas Lecture 3.
- Gregg Bernstein - How to Create UX Personas, link
- Shlomo Goltz - A Closer Look at Personas: What They Are and How They Work, link
- Eeva Ilama - Creating Personas, link
- UX for the masses - A step by step guide to scenario mapping, link
- About the cognitive walktrough method Lecture 5.