
  1. Submit and defend the assignment A.
  2. Work on assignment B and learn about advanced aspects of usable design.
  3. Find out about the possibility of creating user interface for your bachelor thesis (for the assignment C).


    Today you will design the most usable universal remote control through discussion.

    You need to imagine how your device will be used. Based on the experience from the discussion about the assignment A you should focus on usability of the design (simplicity and naturality of use, learnability) and also about accessibility and domain usability.

    Most important steps to success:
    • correct physical, logical or cultural constraints
    • identifiable affordances
    • correct feedback at the right time
    • natural mapping
    • abide existing standards and conventions
    • ergonomical use
    • learnability
    • attractive and estetic design


  1. Task: Before the start of the lecture submit assignment A through the Moodle system. You can find the requirements for the assignment in the previous module.
    Defend the assignment A.
  2. Task: Through discussion create the most usable universal remote control (assignment B). Requirements:
    • You need to incorporate as many HCI rules as you can.
    • It is needed to consider the priorities of the feedback of different functions.
      • Primary functions
      • Primary feedback
      • Secondary functions and feedback
    Teams remain the same for assignment B as they were for the assignment A. Use knowledge from the introduction of this module, first assignment, classes and internet. You can ask the lecturer for opinions. Consider the results of the discussion for the assignment A.

    Note: You do not need to focus on each detail, most functions should be evident. Chose only the important details, desribe the control, specificity of your device, what makes your device better than others and what rules of usability does it support.

  3. Task: Submit assignment B through the Moodle system before next week.
    Assignment is to be submitted as two-page PDF document:
    • 1x A4 image/images of the created remote control,
    • 1x A4 short description of properties and functions of the device in indents and description of the fulfilled HCI rules.

    Note: The assignment is submitted by one member of the team.

    Assignment needs to be submitted into Moodle system before the start of the next lecture and it needs to be presented on that lecture. It is important to clearly state the different HCI rules that are met by your device during the presentation. Each member of the group has to present his contribution on the assignment.
  4. You should have selected the topic of your bachelor thesis by the end of the week. Your task is to find as much as you can about your bachelor thesis during next two weeks:
    • What is the goal of your bachelor thesis? What shall you create? What user interface is part of your bachelor thesis?
    • What goals and task should meet the user interface created in you bachelor thesis?
    • For who is this user interface made?
    You should gather these information mostly:
    • from your lecturer,
    • from possible future users,
    • from internet, similar applications or solutions.

    Note: It is not possible to create a user interface without knowing what we want to create. If you do not manage initian consultations during these two weeks, it is possible that you will be behind on the subject.


  1. D. A. Norman - The design of Everyday Things (1998)
  2. D. A. Norman - Design of Everyday Things, Revised and Expanded Edition, MIT Press, ISBN 9780465067107, pp. 288 (2013) http://www.jnd.org/books.html
  3. Designerliness - Affordances, constraints and natural mapping (summary with illustrative examples) (2008) http://designerliness.blogspot.sk/2014/02/affordances-constraints-and-natural.html
  4. J. Nielsen - Usability 101: Introduction to Usability (2012) http://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-101-introduction-to-usability/
  5. D. A. Norman - Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things (2005) http://www.amazon.com/Emotional-Design-Love-Everyday-Things/dp/0465051367
  6. Zeus - Boost Your UX with These Successful Interaction Design Principles https://zeustudio.com/boost-your-ux-with-these-successful-interaction-design-principles/
  7. Chceš viac? Googli: "Norman doors", "Don Norman examples", ...