
  1. Submit and defend your assignment C


    Individualy submit and defent your assignment C.


  1. The chapter of your bachelor thesis needs to include everything according to the requirements mentioned in the Moodle system. The assignment must be submitted to the Moodle system at least 24 hours before the start of the lecture and needs to be defended during the lecture within the designated 2 minute time (max).

    You need to present HCI rules, accesability, domain usability and other aspects of your assignment that were presented during lectures.

    Warning: BEWARE! There will be half point penalization for late submission of the assignment!

    Note: We will consider your overall activity during whole semester, attendance on lectures and lessons, activity on FB (if you posted reliable sources, you attended the icon competition) and if you tried to achieve better results than the minimum requied in the final points.

    Warning: For the final defense prepare in advance:
    • chapter of the bachelor thesis
    • final prototype
    It is not needed to prepare presentation in PPT form since the defense is informal.