
  1. Write a chapter for your bachelor thesis considering the design and user testing of your user interface.
  2. Fill up the questionaire so we can improve this subject.


    The goal for this week is to write a chapter for your bachelor thesis that is about the design and user testing of your user interface. You should use the materials that you created on the lectures.


  1. Task: Write the chapter for your bachelor thesis by following instructions in the Moodle system.

    Note: Those who worked on an individual topic write a chapter about this topic.

    Note: I you are interested in the early exam before christmas, submit the chapter in 12. week, or on the lectures on monday/tuesday in the 13. week. Students from the thursdays lectures can also attend these lectures. If you successfully recieved credit for the lectures, you don't need to be signed up for the exam term, we will sign you up manually. The submission is following the instructions described in the 13. module.

  2. Task: Fill up the questionaire and help us to improve this subject!