
  1. Familiarize yourself with the objectives of the Graphical user interfaces lectures.
  2. Find members for the four member teams for the first two assignments.
  3. Work on the assignment A and familiarize yourself with the basics of designing graphical user interface.


    On this lecture you should familiarize yourself with the lecture organisation , with the condition of succeeding on the lectures and start working ond the assignment A.

    Next step on todays lecture is to design an unusable user intergace.

    It is important to think about the use of the device and to identify, when the use of the device begins to be more cumbersome and unnatural than easy and lernable.

    Most common reasons for bad usability according to Don Norman [3]:
    • Nonexisting constraints - Physical, logical
    • Unidentifiable affordances - How do i know what task can i execute and how do i identify if it is possible to execute the tastk?
    • Nonexisting or delayed feedback - How do i know that something happend?
    • Nonexisting or unnatural mapping - How do i know what is what?
    • Violating existing standards and conventions


  1. Familiarize yourself with the objectives of the Graphical user interfaces lectures and requirements for absolving the course.
  2. Find members for your four member team for assignments A and B and report them to the lecturer.
  3. Task: Design the most unusable universal remote control (assignment A) through discussion.
    • Remote control should control multiple devices in the household, for example TV, radio etc.
    • In is required to violate basic HCI rules (mentioned in the module introduction).
    You will be working in teams (four member). Use knowledge from the introduction of this module, classes or internet. You can ask the lecturer for opinions.

    Note: You can use wide scale of modern materials and components, devices and sensor, like: gyroscope, movement sensors (for example: kinect), touch screens, touch gestures, transparent or bendable materials, speech control, speech recognision, eye-tracking, compass etc.
    Challenge is in supporting special functions, not just basics like adjusting volume or channels on the TV.

    Warning: There is a fine line between assignment and nonsense, assignment meant as a joke will not be accepted. It should be possible to construct your remote control (at least teoreticaly), it should control at least 3 devices and it should at least remotely look like a universal controller.
  4. Task: Submit assignment A through the Moodle system before next week.
    Assignment is to be submitted as two-page PDF document:
    • 1x A4 image/images of the created remote control,
    • 1x A4 short description of properties and functions of the device in indents and description of the broken HCI rules.

    Note: The assignment is submitted by one member of the team.

    Assignment needs to be submitted into Moodle system before the start of the next lecture and it needs to be presented on that lecture. It is important to clearly state the violation of different HCI rules during the presentation. Each member of the group has to present his contribution on the assignment.


  1. D. A. Norman - The design of Everyday Things (1998)
  2. D. A. Norman - Design of Everyday Things, Revised and Expanded Edition, MIT Press, ISBN 9780465067107, pp. 288 (2013) http://www.jnd.org/books.html
  3. Architecting Usability - Donald Norman’s design principles for usability http://architectingusability.com/2012/06/28/donald-normans-design-principles-for-usability/
  4. Designerliness - Affordances, constraints and natural mapping (summary with illustrative examples) (2008) http://designerliness.blogspot.sk/2014/02/affordances-constraints-and-natural.html