Subject objectives

  1. Learn how to design and evaluate user interfaces of program systems.
  2. Learn basic rules of ergonomics, usability and accessability of user interfaces.
  3. Learn how to use input-output devices and learn basic knowledge from computer graphics for creation of user interfaces.
  4. Gain overview about virtual realities in user interfaces and technologies for their development.
  5. Gain overview on rules for design of user interfaces for different platforms: mobile, web, unix.
  6. Learn how to desing, create and test software usability.

Additional information

    On each practice the student will be introduced into a problem by teacher and consequently (s)he solves simple assignments and work on their bachelor thesis assignment. Students can consult with the teacher about any uncertainty. Attendace is pointless if the student is not active.

    You will work on three asignments during the lectures.

    Assignment A and B are made by four membered teams. Each member of the group should present his contribution on the assignments. Assignments A and B need to be submitted before the start of the lecture on which they will be defended.

    Assignment C is individual and is mainly connected to the bachelor thesis. The goal of the assignment is to design, implement and evaluate user interface of a system for your bachelor thesis. In the end you will have usable, accesible and understandable user interface and a chapter for your bachelor thesis.

    Each assignment needs to be presented and defended: created designs or implementation and techniques and rules used in them.

Conditions for obtaining credit

  • None unexcused absence.
  • Maximum 3 excused absences - compensation will be specified by the lector.
  • Gaining at least 21 of 40 possible points for exercises.
  • Assignment A: Design of the most unusable universal remote control. Finishing and delivering an assignment in week 2. Maximum assignment points can be obtained for the 7.
  • Assignment B: Design of the most usable universal remote control. Finishing and delivering an assignment in week 3. Maximum assignment points can be obtained for the 8.
  • Assignment C: Design, implementation and evaluation of a functioning user interface created for your bachelor thesis and a chapter in the bachelor thesis about the usability of your user interface. Finishing and delivering an assignment in week 13. Maximum assignment points can be obtained for the 20.
  • Submission of the assignment C is mandatory for successfully finishing the course.
  • Maximum activity points can be obtained for the 5.



Class lectors:


  • N9-201(ZP1), Po 15:10 - 16:40
    Ing. Michaela Bačíková, PhD., Ing. Dominik Lakatoš, PhD.


  1. A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. D. Abowd, R. Beale - Human Computer Interaction Hardcover, 3d ed. Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-046109-1 pp. 602 (2004)
  2. D. A. Norman - The design of Everyday Things (1998)
  3. D. A. Norman - Design of Everyday Things, Revised and Expanded Edition, MIT Press, ISBN 9780465067107, pp. 288 (2013)
  4. B. Shneiderman et al. – Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, 5th ed., ISBN 0321537351, pp. 672 (2009)
  5. Y. Rogers, H. Sharp, J. Preece – Interaction Design, 3rd ed., ISBN 0470665769, pp.602 (2011)
  6. S. K. Card, T. P. Moran, A. Newell – The psychology of HCI, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New edition February 1986, ISBN 0898598591, pp. 469 (1986)
  7. J. Nielsen – Usability Engineering, ISBN 0-12-518405-0, Nielsen Norman Group, pp. 362 (1993)
  8. J. Nielsen, R. Budiu – Mobile Usability, ISBN 0-321-88448-5, Nielsen Normaln Group, pp. 203 (2012)
  9. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, W3C Recommendation (2008)
  10. D. A. Norman - Emotional design (1998)