- Familizarize yourself with the requirements for assignment C.
- Perform object/actions analysis in the targeted domain of chosen user interface.
- Create conceptual model of the user interface for your assignment based on the object/action analysis.
- Execute domain analysis for your individual assignment.
- Perform hierarchical task analysis for each task identified by the object/actions analysis.
- Understand the scope of your system functions in a compact representation.
- Create a brief and consistent dictionary for your system.
- Establish tasks that the system will support at early stages of the design.
- Simplify the user interface by defining associations between objects and their actions.
- Tasks that the user can accomplish.
- Objects with which the user will work.
- Relations between the objects.
- Attributes of the objects.
- Actions that can be executed on the objects.
- General actions that can be executed on multiple objects.
- Terms that are used to cover objects, attributes, actions, etc.
- analysis of existing systems,
- analysis of existing documentation,
- analysis of available web sources.
Objects/Actions Analysis - O/AA [2] is method with which you can analyse the task domain. O/AA is used for creating correct conceptual model of the system. You will need to:
Beware, O/AA of a user interface [2] is different from O/AA of a software system !
Conceptual model [4] of a user interface consist of:
Work Domain Analysis, WDA allows us to understand tasks, that the user need to execute to reach certain goal. While task analysis can be viewed as a set of instructions on how to get from point A to point B, WDA can be viewed as a map that contains points A and B. WDA contains:
Hierarchical task analysis (HTA) is a one of the primary ways of creating a conceptual model. More on HTA in resource [7] and in the 3 class (pages 38-42) [1].
Assignment C is submitted via Moodle system, with one assignment file to be submitted each week.
Requirements: Assignment is submitted as multiple files. Each file needs to be submitted before the start of a next lecture.
Warning: Because of the Moodle system restrictions it is not possible to submit files in multiple versions. It is required to always submit just ONE file, that CANNOT be edited afterwards.- 4. week - Conceptual model (1p), Domain analysis + Task analysis (1p)
- 5. week - Scenarios, personas (1p)
- 7. week - Screen Sequence Diagram - SSQ, 1. user interface prototype (2p)
- 9. week - First evaluation, user testing (2p)
- 10. week - Incorporating the results of the first user testing:
Edited scenarios, SSQ SSQ, 2. user interface prototype (2p),
Second evaluation, user testing (1p)
- 12. week - Submitting chapter for the bachelor thesis with incorporating previous results. (10p)
Assignment files need to be submitted always before the start of the next lecture.
More detailed information for the submissions will be provided by your lecturer and you can also find them in the Moodle system on the site for submitting assignment C. -
Task: Execute O/AA for your user interface. First step is to gain knowledge about targeted domain. You can use the following sources::
- conversation with domain expert,
- similar applications,
- user interfaces of existing solutions,
- existing documentation,
- internet.
O/AA is a two way approach. First way is from objects to actions:-
Ask yourself the following questions to identify objects:
- Who will use my user interface?
- With what will he work?
- Which objects will he operate?
- Are there multiple types of users ?
- Are there multiple types of objects ?
From identified objects find actions with this question:
- What can user do with these objects?
Second way is from actions to objects:-
Identify actions with questions:
- What tasks will users do in mine system?
- What goals are they trying to achieve?
From identified actions try to find new objects:
- Will this action require an object that was not yet identified?
Note: We repeat these two ways until we can no longer identify new objects and actions.
You can find more on creating O/AA in article[3].
Task: Create O/AA matrix for your assignment. Place objects in the rows and actions in the columns. in the boxes check which actions could be executed on which objects. For each type of user one matrix is needed. This matrix will help you with keeping the data consistent.Fig.: Example of simple O/AA matrix for user interface of a libraryNote: Indent rows in matrix are types of objects, for example object Book is type of object Item. It is a relation similar to inheritance in object-oriented programming.
Note: Square bracket [] by objects mean, that objects are agregational, which mean they can consist of list of elements (0..*).
On the base of the identified objects and actions create the conceptual model of your user interface (CM). CM contains objects of the user interface, their actions, attributes and relations identified by the O/AA.
Note: CM can also contain the basic modules of the user interface = aggregation of related actions. Admin interface would be an example of this.
Fig.: Example of simple conceptual mmodel of a library user interface -
Task: Execute domain analysis WDA of your application. The goal is to analyse as much resoruces as possible. The result should be the system purpose, domain values and functions, technical functions and physical objects that are present in the domain.
Note: For information gathering consult with domain experts, analyse and try existing systems and analyse existing literature.
Example of WDA decomposition of work domain:Fig.: Example of WTA decomposition of cooling system. Resurce: [2] -
Task: Create at least one HTA diagram for the most important domain-specific action. If there are any conditions or constrains for this action, write them into the diagram.
Note: Consult your decision with the lecturer. Chose numbers for the subtasks similarly to the examples on the images below.
Examples of HTA diagrams:Fig.: Simple HTA diagram for ordering a book Source: [3]
Fig.: Complex HTA diagram for the web page Environmental Stewardship. Source: [3]
Task: Submit PDF file into Moodle which contains:
- CM diagram of the user interface with short description (1 paragraph).
- Domain description (brief, in indents):
- domain name and purpose,
- domain values,
- physical objects (if any).
- List of analysed existing solutions (min. 2) in the following format: name + url.
- List of analysed sources (min. 2) in the following format: name + url.
- HTA diagram for the most important actions identified in O/AA (min. 1, max. 3 based on the scope of your assignment