Prehľad predmetu
Týždeň | Prednášky | Cvičenia | Zadania | Tutoriály a info |
1. | Introduction | First Steps with Shell | Problem Set 0: The Environment | Docker Etický kódex Informácie k hodnoteniu Karel the Robot Library Textový editor VIM |
2. | Algorithm Properties | First Steps with Karel the Robot | - | - |
3. | Recursion | Super Karel | Problem Set 1: Karel the Robot | Version Control |
4. | Variables & I/O | Super Karel rocks on | - | - |
5. | Arrays | Guess the Number | Problem Set 2: Numbers, Arrays | - |
6. | Strings | Have a rest | - | - |
7. | 2D Arrays | Strings | Problem Set 3: Hangman & Morse | Debugging |
8. | Curses & Command-line Args | Tic Tac Toe | - | - |
9. | Files | Have a rest | - | Bomber (Curses) |
10. | - | IQ Marathon, Part I. IQ Marathon, Part II. | Problem Set 4: Ball Sort Puzzle & Connect Four Problem Set 5: QR Code Problem Set 6: Curses | - |
11. | - | - | Problem Set 7: Files | - |
12. | - | - | - | - |
13. | - | - | - | - |