Computer Games Design and Development

English Students 2022

Game Jam 2024

Game Jam 2023 (Slovak Students)

Course Information

  • The course is focused on the design and development of computer games.
  • Over the semester, we will gradually highlight several important steps when designing games.
  • We have two versions of the course, depending on circumstances
    1. In teams, you will continuously submit various documents, assessed by a small number of points (credit). You will continuously create a game and write a Game Design Document in teams. The culmination of the semester will be the final presentation of games, assessed with a greater number of points (exam).
    2. In teams, you will continuously submit various documents, assessed by a small number of points (credit). The culmination of the semester will be game jam (hackathon), during which you will program your games, assessed by a greater number of points (exam).

Recommended Literature

YouTube Channels

On-line Courses

  • Video Game Design and Balance - Learn about the video game design process and experiment with effective methods for balancing a game’s mechanics.