- Use of classes for creating dictionary of system and naming conventions.
- Use of classes for modeling distribution of responsibilities in the system
- Use of classes for modeling critical basic types.
- Use of CLAD for modeling generalizations.
- Use of CLAD for modeling relationships qualified by cardinalities.
Objects, classes and class diagrams are basic tools for object oriented modeling.
Discovering objects and classes and their properties, behaviours and responsibilities
which are necessary for realization expected use cases are main tasks
in process of analysis. We can create several iterationsof CLAD with different
level of refinement and for different purpose.
Classes can be used for defining and description important therms stored in project dictionary. Each class will be used for one item of this dictionary. Important information for each therm is its definition, name, abbreviation and references to resources. Objects of classes can have in system important responsibilities in specified use cases. These responsibilities can be desribed also in description of the class with use of section for operations.Task: Add new items into dictionary.Comment: Dictionary will contain definition of important nouns (things) and verbs (processes, activities) used in application domain.
For creating new version of class diagram from selected classes and their associations can be used list of existing association. Selected association replaced in edit window for CLAD (drag and drop) creates new diagram.Task: Use project dictionary for drawing CLAD with classes responsible for use case borrowing of book.Task: Use abbreviations defined in project dictionary for identifying classes, their atributes and methods.
- Use case diagram http://www.tutorialspoint.com/uml/uml_class_diagram.htm
- PowerDesigner v12.5 Business Process Model. On-line Help System.
- FSE course, DCI FEEI TUKE, Kosice. Theme 5 - L05b UML - structural models https://moodle.fei.tuke.sk/mod/resource/view.php?id=4573
Additional tasks
Create project dictionary for example UnivLib project.
Use dictionary for drawing CLAD for with classes responsible for use cases
returning of book and reservation of book.