- Discovering use cases and actors in requirements model. Grouping use cases into packages. Creating use case view of system based on use case diagram (USCD). Refinement use case model with use of stereotypes.
- Discovering objects and classes in requirements model and conceptual data model, which are necessary for realization of defined use cases. Craeting logical view of system based on class diagram (CLAD)generated from conceptual data model (CDM)
Requirements model based on business process diagrams and list of requirements can help
to find main services which have to be realized in new system and also to find all objects,
which play some roles in process of executing of these services.
Use cases can be used for modeling of services of new system. Because of there exist many services in large system, it is useful to use packages for grouping them into subsystems or into packages of services. Actors can be used for modeling of user of the system or other systems, which communicate with considered system.Task: Add new use cases for modeling extensions of processes with use of stereotype "extend" and new use cases for modeling included sub-services for existing use cases with use of stereotype "include".Comment: Extended use cases can be used for modeling menu alternatives, included use cases can be used for modeling sub-services, which are mandatory executed together with connected use case.Task: Try to find actors who play significant roles in use cases - initiation and/or usage of specified services reprezented by use cases.
Each use case can be realized by cooperation (communication) of some objects. These objects are base for creating of CLAD from basic classes needed for specified behavior defined by use case model. CLAD can be also generated from previously created CDM.Task: Use PD Tool fo generating OOM from CDM. Find objects and their classes in generated CLAD, which are necessary for specified services in USCD.Task: Try to find objects, which are necessary for specified services.Task: Try to group objects into classes and create class diagram. Use classes and relations between them - associations and generalizations.
- Use case diagram http://www.tutorialspoint.com/uml/uml_use_case_diagram.htm
- PowerDesigner v12.5 Business Process Model. On-line Help System.
- FSE course, DCI FEEI TUKE, Kosice. Theme 5 - L05a UML - introduction https://moodle.fei.tuke.sk/mod/resource/view.php?id=4572
Additional tasks
Add properties - attributes to all classes in the CLAD for example UnivLib project.
Draw CLAD for all main classes in Your semestral project.
Make presentation of object oriented structural model based on
USCD and CLAD for Your semestral project.
Prepare presentation of object oriented structural model
for next laboratory work Lab05.