- Explain (according to current curriculum syllabus) briefly contents and the overall purpose of the exercises.
- Explain (according to current curriculum syllabus) conditions for granting credit.
- Explain (according to current curriculum syllabus) content, objectives and deadlines for tasks.
- Explaining of role of user requirements engineering for success of software. Examples for specification of user requirements.
Background knowledge as requisities for this course: basic knowledge in information technologies, algoritms, data structures
and programming.
Familiarize yourself with the subject.Task: Read content of the lectures and lab-works in current curriculum syllabus: https://moodle.fei.tuke.sk/mod/resource/view.php?id=2942
Familiarize yourself with the conditions for gaining credits.Task: Read conditions for credit set in current curriculum syllabus: https://moodle.fei.tuke.sk/mod/resource/view.php?id=2942
Familiarize yourself with content, objectives and deadlines for tasks.Task: Read information about tasks in current curriculum syllabus: https://moodle.fei.tuke.sk/mod/resource/view.php?id=2942
Analysis of the existing system - specification of user requirements and model of the environment of the system.Task: Create a list of basic user requirements for selected exemplary system.Comment: Formulate requirements using simple sentences in the language of the application domain for which the system has to be designed.Task: Sort the list by as promoters and objects (nouns) in the individual requirements and according to the priority of the requirement too.Comment: Nouns in the requirements may represent data artifacts, components of system or its users.Task: Outline a simple model showing the main connections between the analyzed system and its surroundings. The whole system will be represented by single node, the other nodes of the graph will form the elements of the surrounding which communicate with system . Communication is represented by oriented edges.
- Foundations of Software Engineering. Subject schedule. DCI FEEI Technical University of Košice:https://moodle.fei.tuke.sk/mod/resource/view.php?id=2942
- Foundations of Software Engineering. Lecture 01 – presentation. DCI FEEI Technical University of Košice: https://moodle.fei.tuke.sk/mod/resource/view.php?id=2888
Additional tasks
Describe your experience and problems with the use of software systems, try to explain the correlation of detected problems
with insufficient or incorrect specification of user requirements.