Exceptions and program testing (Minesweeper Task 5)

  1. Familiarize with the importance and types of exceptions in the Java language.
  2. Learn to create and use programmer-defined exception classes.
  3. Learn to create unit tests for an application using NetBeans IDE.
    Your task on today's exercise is to familiarize yourself with the importance of exceptions and try their use out. We'll also learn how to create unit tests for our applications.
  1. Use exceptions when processing the user input.
    Task: Add the class WrongFormatException into the minesweeper.consoleui package. This class defines an exception indicating wrong input format. The source code of this class can be found in WrongFormatException.java.
    Task: In the ConsoleUI class implement a private method void handleInput(String input) throws WrongFormatException , which ensures processing of the input string. Move the existing input string processing from the void processInput() method body into the new handleInput method. In case of incorrect format of the entered string the method throws a WrongFormatException.
    Task: Into the void processInput() method insert the void handleInput(String input) throws WrongFormatException method call. Use the try { ... } catch (WrongFormatException ex) {...} statement to chatch the exception and to process it (printing ex.getMessage() into console).
  2. The actual class mmodel of the application is on the following figure.
    Fig.: The class diagram of the Minesweeper application (at the end of the exercise 7)
  3. In the Minesweeper game, usually the number of unmarked mines is displayed. The number of unmarked tiles is defined as the number of all mines in the playing field minus the number of marks (for marking mines). The following step is thus to add this support into the game.
    Task: Add the functionality for displaying the number of unmarked mines into the update() v triede ConsoleUI method. To get the number of unmarked mines implement a public method int getRemainingMineCount() in the Field class.
    Note: In the implemeneted method int getRemainingMineCount() use the method int getNumberOf(Tile.State state) of class Field implemented in exercise 5, which returns the number of tiles in the required state.
  4. During the creation of program systems there is usually a requirement for testing of functional parts and also testing of integration of these parts To test programs in the NetBeans environment, it is possible to use a tool with the support for automatic generation and running of JUnit tests. The goal is to create tests for testing playing field generation and ensure the state of the playing field are correct at all times. To use the tool for automatic test prototype generation for fields of a selected class in NetBeans IDE and run them follow the steps below.
    • In the „Projects” tab select „Tools > Create JUnit Tests” in the context menu under the Field.java file name. .
    • In the „Select JUnit Version” dialog select „JUnit 4.x”.
    • The following window will appear with the possibility of choosing the methods based on their visibility, optional generation of code with a possibility to generate documentation comments.
    • Based on the chosen possibilities, a test file with the set of testing methods is generated. In case you want to test a more complex part than just one method of the Field class, simply delete the unfit generated testing methods or modify the names of the methods. The created testing file will be placed in the „Test Packages” part, visible in the „Projects” tab of the Minesweeper project.
    • To run a test, the following options are possible:
      • In the context menu above the project tab, select the „Test Project” option.
      • In the main menu select „Run > Test "Minesweeper"”.
    Task: Generate a testing file FieldTest for the Field class.
    In the new FieldTest, define the following private constants:
    • The number of playing field rows: static final int ROWS = 9;
    • The number of playing field columns: static final int COLUMNS = 9;
    • The number of mines in the playing field: static final int MINES = 10;
  5. Copy the below stated method implementation void isSolved() into the FieldTest class of the Minesweeper project.
    public void isSolved() {
        Field field = new Field(ROWS, COLUMNS, MINES);
        assertEquals(GameState.PLAYING, field.getState());
        int open = 0;
        for(int row = 0; row < field.getRowCount(); row++) {
            for(int column = 0; column < field.getColumnCount(); column++) {
                if(field.getTile(row, column) instanceof Clue) {
                    field.openTile(row, column);
                if(field.getRowCount() * field.getColumnCount() - open == field.getMineCount()) {
                    assertEquals(GameState.SOLVED, field.getState());
                } else {
                    assertNotSame(GameState.FAILED, field.getState());
        assertEquals(GameState.SOLVED, field.getState());
    Note: Ensure that in the file import part the static import import static org.junit.Assert.*; and import for annotation @Test stated as follows import org.junit.Test; are listed.
    Note: Don't forget, that every testing method must be preceeded by the @Test annotation.
    Note: In case you didn't choose JUnit 4.x before, it is possible to add it to the project now. In the „Projects” tab above the project select the „Properties” option in the context menu.
    This method tests the implementation of successful game solving verification. In the first step, it is necessary to create an object field of type Field to be able to work with the playing field. This way we also initialize the starting game state. We test the following requirements on the playing field:
    • After creating the playing field, it has to be in the playing state - GameState.PLAYING. For this type of test we will use the expression assertEquals(GameState.PLAYING, field.getState()).
    • After opening any tiles of type Clue it is necessary to test the game state for successful game completion. If holds: počet všetkých dlaždíc - počet odokrytých dlaždíc = počet mín then the game must be in the state of successfully solved. To test the successful completion of the game we will use the expression assertEquals(GameState.SOLVED, field.getState()).
    • After opening any tile of type Clue it is necessary to test the unsuccessful game completion. For this typ of test we use the expression assertNotSame(GameState.FAILED, field.getState()).
    • After opening all tiles of type Clue, the game must be in the solved state. For this type of test we use the expression assertEquals(GameState.SOLVED, field.getState()).
    Task: Run the test for the Minesweeper project.
  6. The next of possible tests is to verify the correct playing field generation (class Field). It is necessary to test the following requirements on the playing field:
    • The number of rows, columns and mines in the playing field corresponds with the specified values: assertEquals(ROWS, field.getRowCount()), assertEquals(COLUMNS, field.getColumnCount()), assertEquals(MINES, field.getMineCount()).
    • Every item of the playing field must be represented by a tile and must not be equal to null. For every item of the plyaing field, we need to test the expression assertNotNull(field.getTile(row, column)), where the field variable is an object of the playing field of type Field.
    • The number of generated types of type Mine must be equal to the required mine count. For the purpose of testing, it is necessary to get the number of tiles of type Mine in the playing field (for example, into a mineCount variable) and apply test assertEquals(MINES, mineCount).
    • The number of generated tiles of type Clue must be equal to number of all tiles - number of mines. For the purpose of test, it is necessary to get the number of tiles of type Clue in the playing field (for example, into a clueCount variable) and apply test assertEquals(ROWS * COLUMNS - MINES, clueCount).
    Task: Add a public method void generate() into the FieldTest testing class. Implement it according to the requirements in this step. Verify the correctness of the field generation via this test.
  1. Source codes:
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