UX / Dizajnové myslenie, analýza, prototypovanie

Používateľské rozhrania a používateľský zážitok

Dizajnové myslenie, analýza, prototypovanie

Sergej Chodarev, Michaela Bačíková

Design Thinking

Double diamond model
Double diamond model
Double diamond model


Analýza úloh

Analýza toho, ako ľudia pracujú.


Analýza domény

Úrovne domény

  1. Domain purpose – reason why the work system exists
  2. Domain values – key values used to assess how well the system is performing its domain purpose(s)
  3. Domain functions – can be performed by the system
  4. Physical functions – which the objects can perform, independent on its purpose
  5. Physical objects – sum of all relevant objects that form all of the component technologies, independent on their purpose

Kroky analýzy úloh

  1. Defining purpose and scope
  2. Obtaining data
  3. Extracting activity lists
  4. Organizing and describing task performance
  5. Confirming the validity of the description

Hierarchická analýza úloh

Clean the house

  1. get the vacuum cleaner out
  2. get the appropriate attachment
  3. clean the rooms
    • 3.1 clean the hall
    • 3.2 clean the living rooms
    • 3.3 clean the bedrooms
  4. empty the dust bag
  5. put vacuum cleaner and attachments away

Persony a scenáre


A persona is a fictional, yet realistic, description of a typical or target user of the product.


Betty, the Warehouse Manager:

Betty is 37 years old, She has been Warehouse Manager for five years and worked for Simpkins Brothers Engineering for twelve years. She didn’t go to university, but has studied in her evenings for a business diploma. She has two children aged 15 and 7 and does not like to work late. She did part of an introductory in-house computer course some years ago, but it was interrupted when she was promoted and could no longer afford…


Príklad scenára

Personal Movie Player: Bluetooth Download

Brian would like to see the new film “Moments of Significance” and wants to invite Alison, but he knows she doesn’t like “arty” films. He decides to take a look at it to see if she would like it and so connects to one of the movie sharing networks. He uses his work machine as it has a higher bandwidth connection, but feels a bit guilty. He knows he will be getting an illegal copy of the film, but decides it is OK as he is intending to go…


Generovanie nápadov



Overovanie nápadov

“Supposing is fine but knowing is better” (Mark Twain)

“If you haven’t failed recently you are probably not being innovative” (Woody Allen)

“Fail often, fail fast” (Don Norman)


Screen Sequence

Papierové poznámky

Fyzické prototypy

Nástroje pre prototypovanie