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# Part 08 / [**SMART**](
## Example: Torch App

Turn On
## What is Component? > Component is small isolated, independent and reusable part for componsing the UI. ([React Native](
## Share Data Between the Components
## Relationships between Components 1. parent to child component 2. child to parent component 3. between siblings 4. sharing data between not related components
## Parent to Child ![Parent to Child](
## Properties
## Component and it's Props ```javascript function Hello(props){ return ( <Text> Hello {} {props.surname}! </Text> ); } ```
## Passing Props ```javascript return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Hello name="Sherlock" surname="Holmes"> </Hello> </View> ); ```
## Properties are Read-Only! they are immutable!
## Pure Function **All React components must act like pure functions with respect to their props.**
## Child to Parent ![Child to Parent](
## Between Siblings ![Sibling to Sibling](
## Sharing data between not related components ![Any to Any](
![The Problem](
## Existing Approaches * Global Variables * Context * Observer Pattern
## Questions?