## Welcome to SMARTs!
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## Lectures * Youtube stream * archive at [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyOLaRly1bD7dBqZXdBLS0Q)
## Labs * in person * no computers in lab, so [setup your environment](problemset.00.the.environment.html) first!
## Score * small projects during semester * Hackathon * final project (with specific requirements)
# Week 01 miroslav.binas@tuke.sk / [**SMART**](https://kurzy.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/smart)
## What is a Smart Device?
> A **smart device** is an electronic device, generally connected to other devices or networks via different wireless protocols, that can operate to some extent interactively and autonomously. > ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_device))
## The 3 Types of Mobile Experiences

Native Apps

## Advantages * great performance * great UX * access to native API * great support of debug tools * apps are available through platform's apps store
## Disadvantages * not cross platform * expensive and hard development

Mobile Websites

## Advantages * easy maintainablity * no installation * cross platform
## Disadvantages * internet connection is required * no native access * no access to device's hw * limited UI * requires keyboard to load
## Progresive Web Applications (PWA)

Hybrid Apps

## Advantages * cross platform * ease of development / single codebase * access to device * fast, easy and not so expensive development * distribution over app store * apps work offline * apps can work as MVP
## Disadvantages * not same performance as native * native access via plugins * no native UI controls * web view limitations
![Native vs Hybrid vs Web](../images/native.vs.hybrid.vs.webapps.jpg) notes: * https://ripenapps.com/blog/native-hybrid-or-web-the-new-big-question-of-mobile-app-development/
[![Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020](images/stack.overflow-developer.survey.png)](https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2020)
[![Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 - Languages](images/stack.overflow-languages.png)](https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-popular-technologies)
[![Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 - Frameworks](images/stack.overflow-frameworks.png)](https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#technology-most-popular-technologies)
**React Native** is a framework for building native applications using **JavaScript**.
![React vs Expo](../images/react.vs.expo.png) note: * https://tangocode.com/2020/06/react-native-and-expo-experience/
## Benefits of Expo * Fastest way to build React Native Apps * You don’t need to know Native Mobile coding * No Xcode, No Android Studio * Publish Over The Air (OTA) Updates Instantly * In-built access to Native APIs * It is FREE and Open Source
## Disadvantages of Expo * Not all iOS and Android APIs are available yet
## Example: Torch App

Turn On
## Questions?