# Part 07
miroslav.binas@tuke.sk / [**SMART**](https://kurzy.kpi.fei.tuke.sk/smart)
## Canceled Labs
after Hackathon
[![Game Days 2019](images/gamedays.jpg)](https://www.facebook.com/events/2009922159040014/)
## Hackathon Date
**Hack your Life** during weekend 23.-24.nov.2019
## `navigator.contacts.find`
executes asynchronously, querying the device contacts database and returning an array of `Contact` objects
## `find()` Params
* `contactFields` - Contact fields to use as a search qualifier. [Required]
* `contactSuccess` - Success callback with the array of `Contact` objects. [Required]
* `contactError` - Error callback. [Optional]
* `contactFindOptions` - Search options to filter `navigator.contacts`. [Optional]
## [The Local Notification Plugin](https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications)
cordova plugin add \
## Notification Components
![Notification Components](images/notification.png)
## How notifications may be noticed
* Showing a status bar icon
* Appearing on the lock screen
* Playing a sound or vibrating
* Peeking onto the current screen
* Blinking the device's LED
## #1. Make your Homeworks
* test the idea
* bring the assets with you
* learn your framework (pass at least tutorial)
## #2. Know your Roles
* you don't need only developers
## #3. Less means More!
* forget about the menu, credits, full CRUD, animations, ...
![Enjoy](http://img08.deviantart.net/5ba0/i/2012/126/6/c/enjoy_every_moment_by_nadiamov-d4yooq7.jpg "enjoy")
## See You in Hackathon 2019!