[AEG combi microwave unusable after update: device thinks it is a steam oven](https://taketonews.com/aeg-combi-microwave-unusable-after-update-device-thinks-it-is-a-steam-oven/) (March, 2022)
* https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/03/30/its-2020-why-dont-samsung-phones-support-androids-seamless-updates/
## What is OTA?
> the ability to download applications, services and configurations through a mobile or cellular network
> ([Gartner](https://www.gartner.com/en/information-technology/glossary/ota-over-the-air))

* https://blog.particle.io/ota-firmware-updates/
## OTA Benefits
* continuous improvement of devices
* increase functionality
* improves security
* save cost
### OTA services must be fast, secure and easy to use.
### Incremental Roll-Out of OTA Updates

### Code Compatibility Verifications
### Authenticating the OTA Update Image
### Security from Physical Attacks

## Existing Solutions
* [FreeRTOS](https://www.freertos.org)
* [Mongoose OS](https://mongoose-os.com)
* [balena.io](https://www.balena.io)
* [Barbara OS](https://barbaraiot.com)